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Rampant One Year On

Rampant magazine launched in the early spring of 2020, just days before the onset of the worldwide pandemic lockdowns. Over the last year, Rampant has published over a hundred articles, and played a part in amplifying movement voices in Chicago and across the country. Thank you to all our supporters, writers, readers, and comrades. To celebrate, we are launching our new website!

This is also an invitation to you – Rampant needs writers, contributors, and supporters.

Two things are needed for a community-rooted left publication:

What kind of articles are we looking for?

You can submit articles and ideas through our contact form on, or by writing to us at

Highlights from Year One

As we prepare to enter our second year, we’re taking a moment to look back on some of the highlights of last year’s articles:

Black and Indigenous Solidarity
As people rise up against racism and police terror, the need for Black and Indigenous solidarity is as necessary as ever.

The Socialist Case Against the Police (and part two: Abolish the Police)
Police don’t solve, stop or prevent crime because they were never designed to. Cops are the tools of the bosses, from the day they were invented to today.

Who Runs Chicago?
Once controlled by manufacturers, city hall is now dominated by finance and real estate capital. The new bosses are building a racist business climate at the expense of working Chicagoans.

Rebellions Get Results: A List So Far
Five weeks of open rebellion in the streets last summer yielded swift, unprecedented results. Here we assembled a list of the movement’s victories as of late June.

Black Lives Matter and COVID-19: An Activist Roundtable
Antiracist activists and organizers from around the country describe what Black Lives Matter means in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Science in Service of Cops: The Case for Abolishing the UChicago Crime Lab
The Crime Lab research center operated by the University of Chicago uses the illusion of scientific objectivity to support the racist violence of the Chicago Police Department.

Joe Biden’s Garbage Career: A Timeline
Joe Biden is not only a loyal soldier of neoliberalism, he has been the architect of much of today’s hellish political landscape. The last fifty years of ruling class ascendancy is a timeline studded with Creepy Joe’s despicable actions.

All Power to the Looters
Chicago police shot someone on the South Side on August 9. By looting downtown, protesters are addressing the root cause of police violence.

The Abolitionist Road to Socialism
In the US, the struggle for revolutionary socialism and the antiracist struggle for abolition are one and the same.

And finally, we are proud to stand by our editorial from early June,

Rebellion is the Gateway to Our Future
If police brutality, the pandemic, and impending economic depression robbed us all of a future, last summer’s rebellion was the beginning of our collective struggle to take it back.

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